Make a Donation
The Bloomington Chorale is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation is tax deductible. We rely on contributions from volunteers and donors for the continued success of our choral group. Donor names are printed in our concert program unless otherwise indicated. Thank you for your contribution and for supporting the arts in Bloomington!!
Did you know:
- $50 can help buy a score for a great choral work
- $100 can provide a scholarship for a singer in financial need
- $500 can help us with musical collaboration with instrumentalists
- $1,000 can underwrite the cost of a performance
Performances and activity for Bloomington Chorale are supported immediately in 2024 through funding provided by grants from the City of Bloomington and the Bloomington Community Foundation. Special thanks go to Allan and Deborah Schneider, for their founding donation of the Schneider Theater at the Bloomington Center for the Arts. And to various individual and corporate donors who help support our vision.